The Secret Sunshine Project by Benjamin Dean

 A spectacular story full of sunshine and rainbows!

'The Secret Sunshine Project' was an amazing book full of exciting tales and adventures! When Bea and her sister, Riley visit The London Pride with their parents, everyone is all smiles, sunshine and colour. But next year, when London Pride is hosted again, everything has changed, nothing feels like it used to! Riley her joyful sister has gone inside a shell and it is now Bea's job to make everyone happy again. Reading this book, made me feel positive because I saw Bea make everyone joyful and colourful. I really enjoyed and loved reading this book as Bea and Riley went through a hard but productive adventure. There are few illustrated detailed drawings, my favourite is the one Rita Ruckus and her dog! If you are interested in colourful adventures, I would love to recommend this fascinating book to you. 


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