Lottie Sparkles Magical Discovery by Petra Quelch

Thank You to Rachel from Rachel's random resources and author for providing me copy of Lottie Sparkles' Magical Discovery and providing me opportunity to participate in this blog tour.

My Review

"Lottie Sparkles' Magical Discovery" is a  lovely book about a girl called Lottie who loves wearing sparkly dresses and accessories. It was interesting to read how she adjusts from city life to being at her grandparent's magical village during school holidays. It is a good story with beautiful illustrations. I would recommend this to all young children.


Lottie Sparkles Magical Discovery

Who wouldn't like a magical jacket?
Lottie Sparkles is a little girl who loves everything sparkly, mainly clothes. Anything plain or dirty is a disgrace in Lottie s mind! When Lottie is sent to spend time with her lovely grandparents in the countryside, she is furious because that essentially means smelly animals, lots of puddles and hard work! But what she certainly didn't count on was coming face to face with a magical object.


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