Uncle Shawn and Bill and the Almost Entirely Unplanned Adventure by A. L. Kennedy

A Book with amazing planned and unplanned rescuing adventures and informative illustrations.

I enjoyed reading this book as the story was interesting and adventurous. I also loved the way illustrations were presented as they bring life to the characters. As this was chapter book, I liked the way summary was given before each chapter. So, I had an idea about what to expect in the chapter which made it more interesting. I could not wait to complete the story while Uncle Shawn make different plans to try to rescue the four Llamas and badger Bill from McGloones family. The planned and unplanned rescuing adventures by uncle Shawn was fun to read. The character of Bill Badger was also nice as he tries to be very brave.  This was the best fiction book I have ever read and I would like to recommend this book to young children.

Reviewed for http://www.lovereading4kids.co.uk


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