American Mystery (Don't Doubt the Rainbow 3) - Anthony Kessel
A genuinely delightful American Mystery that is an authentic tale which carries a sense of possibility and hope! Don’t Doubt the Rainbow is truly an entrancing sequel of a compelling contemporary detective series that has inspired me to further explore the genre that is so suspenseful, mysterious, and captivating. Full of riveting twists and turns in the plot, the novel is based on a young Detective, Edie Marbles, a nationally renowned detective who averted a catastrophe. The author creates a fascinating novella that encompasses not only a storyline full of an exotic mixture of tension and excitement but revolves around mental health education and proves to be a valuable asset to the improvement of the well-being of many young readers The protagonist, Edie and her grandpa uncover a deep ancestral secret that haunts the backbone of Edie’s journey to Toronto, Washington DC, North Carolina and Dartmoor. Readers are taken through the intrinsically detailed adventure as when all cards are r...