Five Minutes, Alfie by Lily May Walters and illustrated by Jack Foster

Many thanks to Rachel from Rachel's random resources for providing me an opportunity for this blog tour. My Review Five Minutes Alfie is a spectacular picture book for beginners. I like how the author rhymed the words and the beautiful illustrations. I think this would be a lovely book for young children and early readers. I would like to recommend this to young kids as it has a good story full of imagination Blurb Five Minutes, Alfie Alfie snuggles down in bed, dreams still in his little head. He dreams he's a king going out for a ride. "A dragon sleeps in front of the gate," they cried. How will they succeed in waking him up? By helping each other and lots of luck. Author Bio Lily Mae Walters chose her pen name in honour of her beloved grandparents who also stare in the Josie James series. She is married with two teenage children, and two huskies that are the inspiration behind M...